Sounds From The Shadow Factory OUT NOW!


A sonic poetry collaboration from Noah Lekas featuring Howlin’ Rain, Mrs. Henry, Pat Gubler (Garcia Peoples) and more with cover art by Alan Forbes.

"Poetry and psychedelia, as if Tom Waits had hitched a ride on the Jefferson Airplane's version of Wooden Ships." 
David Fricke

“It is spoken word pysch-rock for Steve Earle fans."

“A groundbreaking work of art”

“…You can hear glimmers of the Doors’ mysticism, Bob Dylan’s street-corner truth-telling and Patti Smith’s punk rhapsodies.” – San Diego Union Tribune

“Lekas wields elements of Bukowski and of the Beat poets to tell the tale of a bar-visiting, cigarette-rolling, whisky-slurping wayfarer who has come face to face with Dharma and lights up anyways.”
Independent Book Review


Zooluxx "Just A Little Bit" Music Video Release


One Year Anniversary of Dude Cervantes - All By Myself